My sister, Nanette, has been going a bit mental lately. The best way I can think of to describe her behaviour is that it’s along ‘bridezilla’ lines, except that she’s not having a wedding; she’s opening a health and wellness centre. This is no one-room rental situation – it’s a full on extravaganza, featuring multiple studios, a pool and a juice bar. Hey, this is the kind of thing you can do when you’ve spent 20 years working in finance.

Anyway, she’s been really losing it over some of the aesthetic elements of her new building. She was telling me the other day that she’s deeply concerned about the lack of a glass skylight over the pool. Since then, she’s thrown herself into getting quotes from commercial glaziers based in Melbourne, convinced that the company that did the floor-to-ceiling windows in the lobby could have done her a better deal.

Another thing that’s reportedly been keeping her up at night is her belief that the juice bar’s counter needs to be constructed entirely from transparent glass, “…to reflect the lightness of pranic energy,” or something along those lines. Basically, she’s got it into her head that if every detail isn’t absolutely on point, the whole place will be a flop.

The way I see it, she needs to stay focused on the essentials. Instead of setting a glazier to work on a glass counter, get them started on the wall-to-wall mirrors that the movement studio obviously needs. Of course, there’s an argument for bringing in a few custom fittings. Like, the stairs up from the pool need some form of railing, so having a glass balustrade installation makes sense – this would fulfill a necessary function while tying in with the overall aesthetic concept.

It’s with ideas like this glass bar that Nanette is starting to enter questionable territory. I mean, she’s already had a bar custom built for the purpose from reclaimed wood, so it’s just bad use of resources to want to replace it already.

If you ask me, the woman needs an aromatherapy massage and a chlorophyll smoothie.